Protecting your most valuable asset.
It’s not just the foundation of your business – your brand is the foundation of our business, too. And we know there’s nothing more important than preserving and protecting its integrity.
We’ve implemented disciplined processes at every stage of your brand’s second life cycle, to strictly adhere to all of your trademark guidelines and distribution strategies.
We also do everything in our power to partner with our brands to eliminate counterfeit merchandise from coming into the market. We’ll carefully qualify our customer list with you, so we can together control the distribution of your excess inventory and protect your brand.
Our goal is a true partnership, working in tandem to protect the value of your most important asset in the open market.

Extending the life cycle of your merchandise.
With our comprehensive suite of processing services available on an incremental fee basis, NEJ can extend the profitable life of your inventory.
Extending the life cycle of your merchandise.
With our comprehensive suite of processing services available on an incremental fee basis, NEJ can extend the profitable life of your inventory.